Award Winning Dog Grooming Services in Brighton, MI
The Dog Grooming Spa at Pet Ritz
All breeds of dogs benefit from regular bathing and nail trims. Bathing and nail trimming provides an opportunity to improve your pet's fur, skin and nails. But let’s face it, giving your dog a bath at home can be a pain—literally! Lifting, shaking all over the house, not having enough hands…are all great reasons to trust a trained professional. Frequent bathing by a professional also allows a trained set up eyes and hands to alert you of any irregularities.
Please book in advance to ensure your dog will be able to take full advantage of our bathing services.

Pet Ritz received Best of Howell Award for Pet Grooming!
Dog Grooming and Bathing Services Available at Pet Ritz
Our Dog Grooming Services include:
- Premium Bath – Complete pampering with a luxurious bath with shampoo appropriate for your pet's skin & coat, a full blow dry, brush out, nails trimmed and ears cleaned.
- Basic Bath – Is a complete bath with Dirty Dog shampoo, full blow dry and a light brush out.
- Brush Out - A complete brushing service.
- Nails - Dremmel.
- Ear Cleaning
- Teeth Brushing – Helps keep tarter under control and breath smelling fresh.
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